Our reference service is intended to direct researchers to the information they’re seeking and to help them answer factual questions. Please state your question(s) clearly and provide us with any details you may already have regarding the information you’re seeking, such as names, dates, places, events and circumstances.
Please avoid broad questions, for example, “Would you have information on WRCNS?” especially if you are seeking more specific information. For example, a question like this is more useful: “My grandmother [her name] was in the WRCNS. Can you point me to any books or sources that could help me understand her experience?”
If you have an image of the object, photograph, uniform, ship or person you would like information about, please attach it. Placing a ruler beside any objects produced in a variety of sizes (for example, cannon balls, shell casings, bayonets, flags, or ammunition bags) can assist us.
We try our best to answer questions in a timely manner. Relatively simple questions may be responded to in as little as a couple of days, but the more complex a question is, the longer the response time. We aim to provide a response within four weeks.
Please refer to our page on donating objects and/or archival material if you have an object and/or archival material (for example, documents, photographs, or film) that you would like to donate.